I'm setting up a new project with several Tasharen packs to merge an existing game project into. I would like to have an error-free base project to start from, so merging and the resulting errors will be easier to handle. It will also help me learn the networking process in a more controlled environment.
I have the following packages: Starlink UI, NGUI and HUD Text, TNet, and MPGSK.
I followed the video instructions and first imported Starlink UI, then NGUI, and ran StarlinkUI/TNet Integration. Next, I imported HUD Text, and then TNet. Finally I imported the MPGSK and ran MPGSK/TNet Integration. When that was finished I had the following in the console:
Shader wants normals, but the mesh Laser Beam doesn't have them
UnityEditor.AssetPreviewUpdater:CreatePreviewForAsset(Object, Object[], String)
Assets/MPGSK/Game/Scripts/Game/CameraTarget.cs(19,14): warning CS0114: `Tasharen.CameraTarget.OnEnable()' hides inherited member `TNBehaviour.OnEnable()'. To make the current member override that implementation, add the override keyword. Otherwise add the new keyword
Assets/StarlinkUI/Scripts/Custom/UI/UICreateServer.cs(25,42): warning CS0618: `TNServerInstance.Start(int, int, string, int)' is obsolete
: `Use TNServerInstance
.Start(tcpPort, udpPort, lobbyPort, fileName
) instead
The first is a message (and easy enough to fix), the second two are warnings; so I am able to run the project. What I get when running are 2 debug messages, and 15 warnings about Localization similar to the following:
Localization key not found: 'Play'
Localization:Get(String) (at Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:354)
UILocalize:OnLocalize() (at Assets/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILocalize.cs:104)
UnityEngine.Component:BroadcastMessage(String, SendMessageOptions)
UIRoot:Broadcast(String) (at Assets/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIRoot.cs:299)
Localization:SelectLanguage(String) (at Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:282)
Localization:LoadAndSelect(String) (at Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:170)
Localization:set_language(String) (at Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:114)
Localization:Get(String) (at Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:332)
UINews:Awake() (at Assets/StarlinkUI/Scripts/Generic/UI/UINews.cs:19)
For the time being, I want to develop on my LAN, primarily on two Windows machines, with the hope of running a client on an iMac as well.
Do I need to be concerned with these errors before continuing, and if so how should I go about correcting them?