Hi Guys,
i wanted to make a Game with Dungeon Instances.
Now my Question is, can i archieve Instances with T-net?
Should i do it channels?
If yes, i want to make an dedicated Server with Unity Logic.
How can i build in every custom generated channel a player with the hosting tag, automatically?
Edit: I figured out, how to create a Player when a Channel will be created, but now i need to combine this with an Prefab to put some scripts on it.
On the CreateChannel() function in the GameServer.cs just put this line
SendJoinChannel(new TcpPlayer(), channel); after channel is created, correct?
Edit2: Ok, if i create as an Player an Channel, im not host anymore, but my autom. generated player doesnt send data.
I put this on my player prefab:
void Update () {
if (TNManager.isHosting)
tno.SendQuickly(22, Target.All);
void test()
And normaly it should work, but i doenst.
Do you can tell me, how to generate an automatic "Player" to make the channel authoritative?