NEW: You can now mark panels as static using the new "
widgetsAreStatic" flag if you know that its widgets won't move/rotate/scale, for an added performance boost.
NEW: Added UIButton -- same as UIButtonColor, but has a disabled state.
NEW: Added the OnDoubleClick event. Same as OnClick, just sent on double-click.
FIX: UIDraggablePanel should now have noticeably better performance with many widgets.
FIX: All private serializable properties will now be hidden from the inspector.
FIX: UITooltip is now more robust and automatically uses background border size for padding.
FIX: UILabel inspector now uses a word-wrapped textbox.
FIX: UIButtonPlayAnimation and UIButtonTween now have an event receiver (on finished).
FIX: UIGrid no longer modifies Z of its items on reposition.
FIX: Only one Localization class is now allowed to be present.
FIX: UILabel should now have a bit better performance in the editor.
FIX: UISprite's MakePixelPerfect setting now takes padding into account properly.