- NEW: Added a new tween script capable of tweening individual letters in a label and a new example to show it in action.
- NEW: It's now possible to specify a custom material on regular NGUI sprites and labels.
- NEW: Added UV2 support, specified on the panels. Secondary UVs can be easily used to add multi-texturing effects such as blended tiled backgrounds or simply detail textures, enhancing your UI's look.
- NEW: Draw call now uses a material property block to specify the main texture as it works better at edit time.
- NEW: UIGeometry now has a onCustomWrite delegate that can be used to modify the generated geometry as you see fit.
- NEW: Added camera.FitOnScreen(transform) to simplify adjusting some group of widget's position to be within screen bounds.
- NEW: Tweens can now be set to use FixedUpdate for their animation.
- NEW: Added UIDrawCall.onCreateDrawCall that's called every time a new draw call gets created. I used it in W2 to attach a LOD script to fade out my world text decals, for example.
- NEW: Added UIDrawCall.shadowMode that can be used to change the shadow casting mode. (Unity 5)
- FIX: NGUI's geometry should now work with one-sided shaders.
- NEW: Added UICamera.lastWorldRay to hold the last ray used to cast into the world.
- NEW: Added UICamera.mouse0, mouse1, mouse2 to access the mouse directly.
- NEW: UICamera.uiHasFocus to return 'true' when there is an active UI interaction happening.
- NEW: NGUI raycasts into the world will now automatically ignore triggers if the event type is set to World_3D.
- FIX: Popup list's panel now keeps the sorting order of its parent panel.
- FIX: Tweener.Begin now always clears the onFinished callback list.
- FIX: Eliminated GC allocations from raycasts.
3.11.0c adds Unity 5.5 compatibility.