I wonder if TNET could fit my needs.
I am working on a MMO for mobile. I have :
- a WorldServerModel which is the representation of all objects (monster, player, items...) on the whole map.
- a LocalWorldModel which is the representation of all objects in a specific region around the player.
- a PlayerWorldModel which is the representation of all objects concerning the player in a specific region around the player (leveled monster, equipable item, pickable resource...)
- MapModels, InventoryModels, etc... representing objects concerning the player and formated for different Views (I also work with NGUI databinding)
I want my game to be playable in offline mode :
- The player picks, drop, sell, craft... items available in his LocalWorldModel
- Once online, the LocalWorldModel syncs with WorldServerModel to add the modification.
I also want my game to be playable in online mode :
- The player picks, drop, sell, craft... items available in his LocalWorldModel
- LocalWorldModel WorldServerModel syncs like any other online game.
Do you think TNET could be usable for the two cases ?