You'll need to install "mono-complete" in Ubuntu or Debian. I did this on a ARM-based ODROID-XU.
apt-get install mono-complete
This will pull a lot of dependencies including NET 2.0 to 4.0 support. Then, upload your TNServer stuff to a empty directory (ie. <homedir>/tnet ). Change into that directory and run "xbuild".
Then all you need to do on the binary is:
mono TNServer.exe <vars go here>
Make sure you open your firewall ports in both Amazon Security Groups AND iptables!If you have any issues, I can try to help. I successfully compiled 1.9.9 and 2.0.0 on Ubuntu 14.04 both on a Core i5 x64 machine, and a ODROID-XU ARM machine. I'm a linux system administrator so I know a fair chunk of issues that can stump newcomers.