I'm afraid since I anchor so many buttons to respective corners for a differing range of screen ratios, I don't think that setup would work too well in my case.
I discovered another thing that was causing odd problems, possibly related. It is that one of the non-NGUI cameras was accidentally set to render the UI layer, so two random panels (opposed to all of them oddly) would keep referencing that non-NGUI camera in regards to anchoring in the Editor view. While in this state, the only way to "reset" the anchoring was to toggle the Padding checkbox item in the UIPanel for each, after which it would be correct for the next Play-run in the Editor but it would reset to the bad anchoring after ending Play.
After disabling rendering of the UI layer on the non-NGUI camera and "resetting" via the Padding checkbox they finally seemed to remain in the correct spot after running in the editor.
That paragraph was a bit convoluted I admit, but I hope it made some sense. I can record a video if that would be more helpful. It was confusing and was very difficult to figure out why the Panel would not stay put.