Hi there,
First off let me explain what I'm trying to achieve, then I'll show my
weird results and maybe you can help me.
I want to multiply this image:
LinkOn top of this one:
LinkSo it looks like this:
LinkThis effect is quite easy to do on most image editors, but I'm gonna be using dynamicly loaded images to stamp on top of the "card shape" so doing it with NGUI would be more useful than manually for each image.
This is what I have right now:
LinkI tried creating my own version of "Unlit/Transparent Colored" shader (with an extra texture as input) but it didn't work. I can't get to work any material, even NGUI's default "Unlit/Transparent Colored" shader doesn't work so.. I went the UIPanel Texture Mask route but results are weird.
Any suggestions?
EDIT: I remade the shader:
http://hastebin.com/vaniqovoce.cg Still not the effect wanted.