I'm having issues with using anchors on android devices. It works in Unity Editor and multiple iOS devices.
But when exported and running on Android the position is seems to be wrong. I cannot see the item at all.
UIRoot properties
- Scaling style: Constrained
- Content width: 1536
- Content Height: 1920
- No fit
UI Root (2D)
HUD (uipanel)
button pause (uiwidget)
Button Anchors
- Type: Unified
- Execute: OnUpdate
- Target: HUD
- left: targets right -146
- right: targets right -72
- bottom: targets top -147
- top: targets top -73
Tried to set a UIWidget in all 4 corners but none is showing.
When running debug on gameObject.transform.position
Unity: (0.4, 0.9, 1.0)
Android when removed anchors: (0.4, 0.9, 1.0) this is showing
Android with anchors: (1.0, 1.9, 1.0)
Just to see where it is I set the position (1.0, 1.9, 1.0) in unity editor. You can see the inner rect and then top right that the button is way off.