Hello, I am trying to do a Radial Scrollview...
I know codewise, what to do to position my buttons (objects.transform.localPosition = new Vector3( distanceToCenter * Mathf.Cos(i * angleBetweenObjects), distanceToCenter * Mathf.Sin( i * angleBetweenObjects)); ) , and how to keep my buttons always pointing up (inverting the localeuler angle of the parent); however, I want to implement it as a scroll view... or at least be able to use the gesture recognition available in the scroll view...
How should I approach this? (I am reading scroll view class at the moment).
Is it more advisable to create a new class that inherits scroll view?
Create a copy of scroll view and create my new class based on that (I think not)
Or modify scrollview?
So far, the greatest contenders for movement are MoveAbsolute and MoveRelative, I am going to experiment a little bit.