Author Topic: NGUI Performance questions  (Read 34180 times)


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NGUI Performance questions
« on: August 10, 2012, 11:19:10 PM »
Ok Arenmook (and everyone else who is reading) :)

Been using NGUI for a fair while now, I have some questions about NGUI/Unity that I have been mulling over for a while, just wondering if anyone else has had any experiences like me.

(1) Whether or not it is me I don't know, but I find draggable panels to be pretty slow on iPhone4. Everything else, iPad2, iPhone3, iPhone4s seems to be ok. But just having one draggable panel, and especially 2 on the iPhone4. If that is all I have in my scene, there is a significant performance hit. Just wondering if it something I am doing wrong. But from my experience it is slow. Maybe an issue with shaders? I heard the fillrate of the iPhone4 is particular poor.

(2) Each Menu you create starts off with the Object name, then a Camera, Panel, Anchor etc, and from inside there you can create your own menu system. My question is about cameras.
If I say had a title_Screen menu system all contained within one object, that uses one camera. Is there going to be a performance hit if I have say a separate asset for ingame_menu and then chatwindow_menu?

Having 3 or 4 cameras is surely going to be a performance hit? Then again I don't really know too well how Unity works, if I have multiple cameras, surely each is just going to be called separately and is not really much different to adding an extra draw call, especially if each camera is rendering a separate layer.

Or am I wrong? I just don't know.

(3) UIDraggablePanel

The DraggablePanel works by having all the items in the draggable panel present and as you drab the panel they pop in and out of view. By my thinking, if I have 10 or 1000, if only 10 are shown in the window at any one time then surely there is no performance by having 1000? Problem is, deleting objects and creating them on the fly is surely going to bad for garbage collection. My question is basically, if I create 100 objects as my max and even if I am only using about 10 or so at a time on screen, is there a performance hit for having so many in the panel. This is of course in relation to UIDraggablePanel seemingly being quite slow on the iPhone4.

Thanks for reading :)

J. Park

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Re: NGUI Performance questions
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2012, 08:37:45 AM »
I have similar experience..
NGUI become slow with any kind of "motion" because panel has to build geometry of all UI elements in every frame.

I think that's not that good architecture..
Making 1 draw call is needed for performance.. but, in my test, geometry building architecture actually drops performance in many case.
Even in idle state, panels and widgets have to check their state changes in every frame that cause overhead main thread.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2012, 09:11:20 AM by J. Park »


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Re: NGUI Performance questions
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2012, 06:20:29 PM »
J. Park, if possible you should use multiple panels to isolate whichever geometry changes frequently, so the other panels don't have to rebuild everything every frame.  Individual panels can also be marked static, telling them that the geometry is not expected to change, so it shouldn't even take the time to check the widgets to see if they've changed.  You can turn that flag on and off at runtime for panels that are static most of the time but change intermittently.  Even with multiple panels, unity can batch the draw calls as long as they're using the same material, so you can still end up with a single draw call if you're careful.

ENAY, regarding your second question, in most cases you should be able to set up your UI under a single root, in one layer, with a single camera.  You can add objects to that root as you need them and destroy them or mark them as inactive when you're done.  You should only need multiple layers and cameras if you're doing something really complicated.

With UIDraggablePanels, my understanding is that performance shouldn't be hurt by having a large number of non-visible widgets, as long as their geometry isn't changing.  (Dragging the panel around doesn't change the geometry, it just moves the whole panel.)  Dynamically adding and removing the objects as needed probably would be worse for performance, but I would defer to ArenMook and PhilipC on that question.


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Re: NGUI Performance questions
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2012, 08:45:05 PM »
Draggable panels can be extremely fast if you set them up correctly. Look in the provided example for that. If you drag something within the panel, it will be slow as it will cause the geometry to be rebuilt. If you are dragging the panel itself, or using UIDraggablePanel, then it will be fast because nothing is actually moving.

You can increase performance further by marking certain panels as static, indicating that widgets inside will not change their size/color/position changes. This will cut down on some checks, improving performance.

If you're clever, you can actually enable the "static" by default, but turn it off when you believe your panel will need to be changing. For example -- when you click on a button. You can then turn it on again in the next frame.


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Re: NGUI Performance questions
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2012, 08:48:00 PM »
In regards to the original question... having multiple cameras is always going to be more expensive than having only one camera. In Windward I have one camera, and underneath it a bunch of anchors with all the windows I need (usually disabled until I need them).


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Re: NGUI Performance questions
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2012, 11:29:13 PM »
Hi guys, thanks for all the tips :)


As I am aware, a UIPanel takes a separate geometry and Drawcall so having multiple inside a panel is going to make things slower.

My UIDraggablePanel, I am using basically the same setup as the NGUI example, just moving the panel and not the objects.

By the way, if you have a UIPanel inside a UIPanel and either one is marked static or static, what actually happens?
I am presuming the most parented UIPanel option cancels out everything else. The only thing that could explain my slowdown is that my draggablepanel is inside a UIPanel already, although only the second UIPanel is draggable.


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Re: NGUI Performance questions
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2012, 12:54:42 AM »
All nested panels are treated as separate entities. Nothing is inherited.


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Re: NGUI Performance questions
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2012, 03:28:41 AM »
That would make sense.

I just came across a very annoying problem, which I thought was a bug, but isn't.

If you have a UIPanel set to static, if you move things around in the editor even without compiling, nothing moves unless you click on Apply or hit CTRL+S. Has been driving me bonkers for the past few hours. I rebooted and nothing happens.

So anyway, yes, it is practically impossible to edit your menus when the UIPanel is set to static.

J. Park

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Re: NGUI Performance questions
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2012, 05:19:03 AM »
You can increase performance further by marking certain panels as static, indicating that widgets inside will not change their size/color/position changes. This will cut down on some checks, improving performance.

If you're clever, you can actually enable the "static" by default, but turn it off when you believe your panel will need to be changing. For example -- when you click on a button. You can then turn it on again in the next frame.

Checking "static" may not be applicable in most case. At least, we have to turn off "static" property to use button roll over effect.
Turning on/off "static" dynamically make codes more complex.

Why don't you just relying on dynamic batching?
By doing that, you can also make 1 drawcall without performance drop.
UIpanel's geometry building architecture has nothing better than dynamic batching.

I really like component based structure and functionality of NGUI.
I actually moved to NGUI from EZGUI.
But after some test, I can't understand why you chose this architecture...


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Re: NGUI Performance questions
« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2012, 05:31:19 AM »
Try a simple test with EZGUI. Create a 3D UI window with a bunch of widgets in it, then turn it by 30 degrees. What happens? The draw order gets all screwed up.

This is why I am doing my own batching. With NGUI, the draw order is controlled by the user. With EZGUI it isn't.

J. Park

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Re: NGUI Performance questions
« Reply #10 on: August 12, 2012, 10:23:39 AM »
Try a simple test with EZGUI. Create a 3D UI window with a bunch of widgets in it, then turn it by 30 degrees. What happens? The draw order gets all screwed up.

This is why I am doing my own batching. With NGUI, the draw order is controlled by the user. With EZGUI it isn't.

In 3D UI, I can see draw order problem with dynamic batching as you mentioned.
But, I think much more people use 2D UI than 3D UI. Should 2D UI performance be sacrificed because of 3D UI?
How about giving option to use dynamic batching?

If I use EZGUI with SpriteManager2 combination(I wanna say I'm not a fan of EZGUI), I can use static batching property called sprite manager with draw order setting. In other words, it's kind of an option. We can choose dynamic or static batching.

"2D Tookit" works with dynamic batching in default, and also has a static batcher component. We can choose dynamic or static batching.

NGUI is forced to be used only with static batching technique...
« Last Edit: August 12, 2012, 11:17:45 AM by J. Park »


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Re: NGUI Performance questions
« Reply #11 on: August 12, 2012, 02:12:25 PM »
> How about giving option to use dynamic batching?

Well, I suppose a nice feature is Arenmook has time but right now I think Static batching is much better when you get used to it, so I don't need it. For now dude, you just have to pull your finger out and cleverly design your GUI instead of moaning about it here.


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Re: NGUI Performance questions
« Reply #12 on: August 12, 2012, 04:51:57 PM »
Unfortunately NGUI was designed to be manually batched from the start, so making it use dynamic batching isn't feasible at this point.


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Re: NGUI Performance questions
« Reply #13 on: August 12, 2012, 09:40:34 PM »
(3) UIDraggablePanel

The DraggablePanel works by having all the items in the draggable panel present and as you drab the panel they pop in and out of view. By my thinking, if I have 10 or 1000, if only 10 are shown in the window at any one time then surely there is no performance by having 1000? Problem is, deleting objects and creating them on the fly is surely going to bad for garbage collection. My question is basically, if I create 100 objects as my max and even if I am only using about 10 or so at a time on screen, is there a performance hit for having so many in the panel. This is of course in relation to UIDraggablePanel seemingly being quite slow on the iPhone4.

I have a draggable panel with clipping and instantiate about 150 items on it, it's very slow.
I optimize my code with the idea of "object pool", only create 5 items, and shift/un-shift the item to bottom/top of the draggable panel when it's out of visible area.
No more instantiating and destroying at runtime.


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Re: NGUI Performance questions
« Reply #14 on: August 13, 2012, 11:04:19 AM »
Just to throw my 2ยข in. Dynamic batching comes at a cost. Batching isn't free not to mention the drawing order issue that ArenMook mentioned.
I agree with others here in that if you need a list of hundreds of elements, maybe the UI needs to be rethought in order to better fit the batching system that NGUI is using.