Ok Arenmook (and everyone else who is reading)

Been using NGUI for a fair while now, I have some questions about NGUI/Unity that I have been mulling over for a while, just wondering if anyone else has had any experiences like me.
(1) Whether or not it is me I don't know, but I find draggable panels to be pretty slow on iPhone4. Everything else, iPad2, iPhone3, iPhone4s seems to be ok. But just having one draggable panel, and especially 2 on the iPhone4. If that is all I have in my scene, there is a significant performance hit. Just wondering if it something I am doing wrong. But from my experience it is slow. Maybe an issue with shaders? I heard the fillrate of the iPhone4 is particular poor.
(2) Each Menu you create starts off with the Object name, then a Camera, Panel, Anchor etc, and from inside there you can create your own menu system. My question is about cameras.
If I say had a title_Screen menu system all contained within one object, that uses one camera. Is there going to be a performance hit if I have say a separate asset for ingame_menu and then chatwindow_menu?
Having 3 or 4 cameras is surely going to be a performance hit? Then again I don't really know too well how Unity works, if I have multiple cameras, surely each is just going to be called separately and is not really much different to adding an extra draw call, especially if each camera is rendering a separate layer.
Or am I wrong? I just don't know.
(3) UIDraggablePanel
The DraggablePanel works by having all the items in the draggable panel present and as you drab the panel they pop in and out of view. By my thinking, if I have 10 or 1000, if only 10 are shown in the window at any one time then surely there is no performance by having 1000? Problem is, deleting objects and creating them on the fly is surely going to bad for garbage collection. My question is basically, if I create 100 objects as my max and even if I am only using about 10 or so at a time on screen, is there a performance hit for having so many in the panel. This is of course in relation to UIDraggablePanel seemingly being quite slow on the iPhone4.
Thanks for reading