I'm having an issue with persistent network objects and joining different channels.
I have a TNObject with DontDestroyOnLoad so it can move between scenes. Everything works fine on Channel 0, but if you change channels (and leave channel 0) it will no longer receive any RFCs.
I've tried to make the TNObject change channels with setting the channelID manually, and also by calling TNObject.TransferToChannel(channelID), but nothing seems to be working.
How do I make the object change channels with the user correctly?
Attaching a small example project that shows what I'm trying to explain.
- Import the attached package into an empty project
- Import TNet3
- Add the three included scenes to the build settings
- Build it and run it along with a server
- While connected, pressing Space will send a RFC to all, and in channel 0 it is received. In any other channel it isn't received.