I have a chat manager object for handling all chat related things. Players can send multiple chat message types (channel, server (broadcast), group and whisper). The chat manager has DontDestroyOnLoad so it persists through scenes. My players can change scenes, which also changes what channel they are in (so they do not see the other players on other maps). Channel chat stops working because I can't seem to change the chat manager's channel ID correctly.
I've tried calling TNObject.TransferToChannel(channelID), but it doesn't seem to do anything. The Channel value on the object never changes. If I try to set the channelID directly, the Channel value does change, but then I get a warning about RFCs not being sent because the object wasn't created correctly ([TNet] Trying to execute RFC #1 on TNObject #1 before it has been created.)
I could just stick the chat manager into every scene instead of having it persist through loading, but that just seems silly when theres a TransferToChannel method. I must just be doing something wrong.
I hope that makes sense, any help would be appreciated!