Maybe you're confused over what's happening? The game is a two player football game played across the LAN. To play a game, one player creates a server on the mobile device, then joins, and then the other player can join. If more than one player on the network (eg. school router) creates a server, players can select from a list of available games - one per server. However, the servers are ephemeral, coming and going as people create a game and then switch off their phone or swap to some other app. I *have* to have a server created on the device hosting the game because any other server on some random mobile device on the network might disappear any moment.
iPad 1 creates a network game. This creates a server, Server1. Only one server on the network. iPad 1 joins Server1.
iPad 2 creates a network game. This creates a server, Server2. Two servers on the network. How do I get iPad2 to join Server2 without having to manually select it in a list?
iPad 3 joins a network game. They are presented a list of Server1, Server2 in the lobby. They pick their choice and join that server .
So, whenever I create a new network game, I need to know how to connect to that particular server. The only way I know how to connect to that server is via the lobby. So again I ask, is that the only way to get the server details of a server running on the local device?