Well, it's important that you're doing the encryption (and hashing!) serverside as well, and keeping it serverside. TNManager doesn't exist on the server so I'm a little concerned.
Anyway, you could add a string emailAddress to the TNPlayer.cs file (on the server). Then in TNGameServer.cs where you should be handling the registration / login you could just set that property on the player. Now wherever you want to check if an email is in use, you can just iterate over mPlayers and compare the emailAddress property. If you find a match then that email address is logged in elsewhere. If not, then you're good to go. mPlayers contains every player connected to the server, including those in other channels.
Again, this all exists strictly on the server. I wouldn't be storing encrypted passwords, either, btw. Hash the password clientside, encrypt the payload, send to server. Server decrypts the payload, then generates a random salt, hashes the hash with the salt, stores the hashed hash w/ the random salt. Use a secure encryption method (AES), and a secure hashing method (md5, sha256). Generating the salt should be using a random seed as well, and the hash should be hashed multiple times serverside before being stored (just in case).