i believe i got everything working as-is without commenting out that line.
iirc, it was related to tracking TNLobbyClient.errorString...
On a new copy of TNet3, to get an output on the lobby server as this:
[2016/09/26 15:57:15] + My Server (0)
with :
void ServerStart() {
TNServerInstance.serverName = "My Server";
//Doesn't work/show output without devomages changes
TNServerInstance.Start(5128, 0, null, TNServerInstance.Type.Tcp, Tools.ResolveEndPoint(lobbyUrl + ":" + lobbyPort.ToString()));// "your.lobbyServer.com:5129"));
I needed to comment out the line mentioned in your other thread. Which I am guessing everyone with a new copy of TNet will have to as well.
Also, looking over your threads, so you are using
TNserver.exe -name "Lobby" -tcpLobby 5127
TNserver.exe -name "LobbyServerToConnect" -tcp 5128 -tcpLobby 5127
TNserver.exe -name "GameServer in US" -tcp 5128 -tcpLobby 5127
TNserver.exe -name "GameServer in Canada" -tcp 5128 -tcpLobby 5127
Is that right? And then you can direct connect to "LobbyServerToConnect" to perform the centralized functionality Aren was talking about.