we're getting weird/bad looking font and clipped sprites on some of our devices but not all.
- We're using bitmap fonts, Arial_12, Arial_14 (Don't want to use Dynamic fonts)
- All our UI is in one atlas, including the font
- UIRoot has "Constrained on mobile" with 480x270 (both with 'Fit' checked)
- Devices it looks bad on: Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge 1080p, and Samsung Galaxy View 18.4" 1080p
- Devices it looks good on: Samsung Galaxy Note 4, Samsung Galaxy S5
- UI Atlas texture filtering is set to Point, Wrap Mode is Clamp, Alpha Is Transparency is checked
- Using Unity 5.4.1f1
GOOD:BAD:What I've tried but didn't do anything:
- Disabling 'Fit' in the UIRoot
- Enabling/Disabling Anti-aliasing in the quality settings
- Changing filter mode in atlas texture
Really appreciate any tips/pointers as to what's going on here.