Hi, I just started learning NGUI. I have a top down strategy game where players can drag the landscape view. On top I have a 2D UI. The main navigation has some buttons, and when I click them a modal is opened. But players can still click and drag through the modal. How can I prevent that? How can I set the sprite so that it prevents clicking and dragging through? I tried some other things I read on this forum, like setting a box collider on the sprite, but it's not working. Could someone help me out?
Something about my setup (I don't know exactly what is relevant to know for this issue):
* UI Root (parent and children have 'UI' layer)
** Camera (Culling Mask: UI, Depth: 1)
** Panel
*** MainUI Widget
**** Nav button ranking
**** Nav button settings
**** Nav button quests
*** SettingsUI Widget
**** Background sprite
***** BG Stripes