Sorry for posting another thread so soon after my last, I really am a newbie with TNet.
I am having this strange problem with connecting to my server lobby. I can connect perfectly fine when I use the local IP to connect to it, however if I use the public IP to connect to it (and from the same machine) it says "Unable to Connect" in the console for me.
I forwarded TCP Ports as the Server Lobby is TCP, and I have tried both UDP and TCP/UDP as well to see if that would make a difference.
This is the command that I have to run the lobby server:
@echo off
start "TNet 3 Lobby Server Test" "TNServer.exe" -name "TNet_TestLobbySrv" -tcpLobby 5129
This is what I have in my script where I try to connect to the lobby server after hosting a new server:
TNServerInstance.serverName = serverName;
TNServerInstance.Start(5127, 5128, null, TNServerInstance.Type.Tcp, Tools.ResolveEndPoint("", 5129));
I am also trying to connect to it through the
TN Tcp Lobby Client script (gyazo link):