Yep, TNManager.LoadLevel - work is fine, but I try to send RFC - and its dont work for me, how its is possible to have only one Canvas in start scene(with GameManager class for manipulation all states of the game and sync network values - like: time, mode etc before start GameLevel)?
then players connect to lobby - they dont load new scene - they are stay in the first scene - and there need some network sync(sync work between created UI prefab with TNObject[with dynamically ID]): how there host with TNObject on gameManager class can send RFC to others?
by the way - if I load GameLevel by TNManager.JoinChannel - where LevelManager have TNobject - there RFC work is perfect. - just its is imposible send in the first scene on GameManager with static ID:(
there TNObject on GameManager on Start scene(before I connect to server and some channel)