I'm fighting with sliced sprite and single sprites that NGUI keeps being a bitch and resizing widgets by one pixel.
For example, I've got a backdrop for text areas that is a 150x25 sliced sprite with correctly specified border. I want these backdrop boxes to be exactly 25 pixels tall. However, at runtime NGUI consistently bumps the height to 24 pixels. If I bump the height to 26 pixels, NGUI doesn't touch it.
I also have a button that uses a sprite that is 15x12 pixels. NGUI consistently bumps this to 16 pixels wide at runtime. However, the underlying backdrop that is under the two halves of the button control (it's a plus/minus spinner) is a 15x25 pixel sprite which NGUI doesn't resize... although it does correctly give it a half-pixel offset, which it doesn't do for the overlying button sprites.
What the hell do I have to do here... only work with sprites that are evenly divisible by 2 to avoid flaky math errors in the PixelPerfect logic?