Well I feel very silly for asking, since I've spent the last hour trying to make this work, but: are the UIPopupList working in the latest version?
I mean I followed step by step the video tutorial here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=rI1vjXgKVTU#t=460s but the popup menu does not react at all to being clicked. There's no hover color-change, nothing. It's like the control's dead. I don't understand since I've got sliders, buttons, etc... working pretty well now.
Can anyone confirm if that's a known bug? Or more likely a newbie mistake? Thanks...
Update: I checked the example scene for Popup menu and it works. Which is all the more puzzling. So I went ahead and did screenshots of all three elements and their hierarchy and reproduced them to the letter in my scene. Including changing the default Sprite that comes when you create the UIPopup menu control and replacing it with a Sliced Sprite (like in the example scene). But no dice. It still doesn't work.
I'm completely lost...