Unstable was not the right word my current issue is that dynamic fonts blinking on texture resize has resurfaced, possibly due to removing callbacks on texture change of dynamic fonts and removing line:
if (mHasChanged) MarkAsDirty();
from mFont.Request function
Also there are few lines in mFont like this
if (mDynamicFont != null) mDynamicFont.RequestCharactersInTexture(text);
It causes font generation with wrong character sizes, and the following condition fails
if (mDynamicFont.GetCharacterInfo(c, out mChar, mDynamicFontSize, mDynamicFontStyle))
In my opinion this.Request should be called instead or at least mDynamicFont.RequestCharactersInTexture with all 3 arguments specified.
Or i may be completely wrong, sorry if it is the case, i'm kinda new to NGUI codebase =)
Currently i've reverted to intitial 2.6.5 BETA it least text doesn't blink on this version =\