probably not the best way to achieve this effect, but at least it working correctly

here is the code:
My Hierarchy:
DraggableArea (UIPanel, UIDraggablePanel)
->Grid (UIGrid, UICenterOnChild, UIScaleOnCenter [script code below])
->->Item_1 (UIDragPanelContents)
->->->Background (UISprite)
->->Item_2 (UIDragPanelContents)
->->->Background (UISprite)
->->Item_n (UIDragPanelContents)
->->->Background (UISprite)
using UnityEngine;
public class UIScaleOnCenter : MonoBehaviour {
/// <summary>
/// Scale applies to all involved childs, dependent on distance from center object,
/// the higher distance the lower scale modifier is applied.
/// </summary>
public Vector3 scaleIncreaseBy =;
/// <summary>
/// Variable describe how much items around centered object will take effect of scale.
/// </summary>
public int childsInvolved = 2;
private float maxOffset;
private UISprite [] items;
private Vector3 [] startingScale;
private bool scrollViewIsHorizontal;
UIDraggablePanel mDrag;
void Start() {
if(mDrag == null) {
mDrag = NGUITools.FindInParents<UIDraggablePanel>(gameObject);
if(mDrag == null) {
() + " requires " + typeof(UIDraggablePanel
) + " on a parent object in order to work",
this); Destroy(this);
UIGrid grid = GetComponent<UIGrid>();
if(grid == null) {
() + " requires " + typeof(UIGrid
) + " object in order to work",
this); Destroy(this);
if(grid.arrangement == UIGrid.Arrangement.Horizontal) {
maxOffset = grid.cellWidth * childsInvolved;
scrollViewIsHorizontal = true;
} else {
scrollViewIsHorizontal = false;
maxOffset = grid.cellHeight * childsInvolved;
Transform trans = transform;
int childCount = trans.childCount;
= new UISprite
]; startingScale
= new Vector3
for(int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
Transform child = trans.GetChild(i);
items[i] = child.GetComponentInChildren<UISprite>();
startingScale[i] = child.localScale;
void Update() {
if (mDrag.panel == null) return;
Transform dt = mDrag.panel.cachedTransform;
Vector3 center = dt.localPosition;
Transform trans = transform;
for(int i = 0, imax = items.Length; i < imax; i++) {
float distance = (scrollViewIsHorizontal == true) ? Mathf.Abs(center.x + items[i].transform.parent.localPosition.x):
Mathf.Abs(center.y + items[i].transform.parent.localPosition.y);
float modifierStrength = 1.0f - distance / maxOffset;
if(modifierStrength > 0.0f) {
items[i].depth = Mathf.RoundToInt(modifierStrength * 10.0f);
].transform.parent.localScale = new Vector3
].x + scaleIncreaseBy
.x * modifierStrength,
startingScale[i].y + scaleIncreaseBy.y * modifierStrength,
startingScale[i].z + scaleIncreaseBy.z * modifierStrength);
} else {
items[i].depth = 0;
].transform.parent.localScale = new Vector3
].x, startingScale
].y, startingScale
].z); }