Author Topic: New Developer here!  (Read 1249 times)


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New Developer here!
« on: August 01, 2013, 04:09:18 PM »
Hello Everyone! I'm new to NGui, and i find it awesome. I'm doing a classic trading card game in my spare time,
at the moment i got a lot of the gameplay core coded, but it lacks of the visualization part and i tought that NGui should be a good thing to do it.
I saw all the examples but i think no one offers me what i want.
First of all, i want to create a cardboard (like a 2x6 grid, but with background and spaces between each part).
For example, like the Solforge Background:

Later, what you would do to create the visuals of a single card with NGUI, putting all inside an object, like the card background texture, and Labels to type the text over the texture background?
Any ideas?
Thank you very much!