I have a semi-NGUI 3.0 related question. As you said earlier in this thread, "uGUI is still better, of course (faster, more efficient, more powerful, and its delegate system is better to boot" does this mean you recommend moving over to uGUI when it is released (and stable)? What is going to happen to NGUI, and what will set it apart?
I would guess that would be an option for anyone having performance issues, though I haven't really run into NGUI slowing much down at the moment. Actually, since I've ripped out all of my OnGUI and GUI stuff (there was a lot) it has been amazing.
Without getting into uGUI details, what are your thoughts? I love NGUI and in particular that all of the code is available so I can see how something is being done and rework it for my project - such as the dragndrop item system, I saw how you did it and then reworked it for my needs.
NGUI 3.0 looks very awesome. I'll probably upgrade soon. Oh, and just to make sure it's known, even though I paid for NGUI like 2-3 weeks ago, I don't feel bad about my purchase even in the slightest with uGUI on the horizon. Love this stuff.