I have multiple UICameras due to using the KFGMapSystem (it has two UICameras, one for minimap, one for fullsize map)
I upgrade to NGUI 3.0. Each individual UICamera is no longer configurable, as they all use a single configuration of the first-found-in-the-scene UICamera.
Issues are:
If one camera has an audio listener, all cameras have audio listeners.
I cannot disable options for the MiniMap cameras and still have options available for main UI Camera.
So... what are my options? Creating a custom UICamera? Could I just remove the following chunk of code from UICameraEditor.cs and everything work fine presumably?
if (UICamera.eventHandler != cam)
new GUIContent
("Event Mask")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("clipRaycasts"));
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("All other settings are inherited from the First Camera.", MessageType.Info);
if (GUILayout.Button("Select the First Camera"))
Selection.activeGameObject = UICamera.eventHandler.gameObject;