Well basically objects that have unityscript scripts on them no longer react to a MouseDown function. However, I tested a small C# script and this did work, so there seems to be some disconnect between the unityscript scripts and the UICamera script by this I mean without the UICamera script objects in the maincamera will react accordingly with unityscript script but with the UICamera script on the maincamera theses objects no longer recognise a mouseDown event. Any idea what could cause this and is there someway around it? Although it would be a good idea to change all these scripts to C# I'm not very experienced with C# and usually have a fair few problems making things work, not to mention that there are over 1000 objects with various unityscript scripts on them and although there are only 3 different scripts there is some work to link them all up again once the changes are made. Is there any instruction that can be added to the Unityscript or the UICamera that would force either to react to the other to avoid having to do this?