Thanks for your input, and sorry for my late reply.
Yes, you are correct, a panel do resize correctly thus it can be made modular - Done the same by using a combo of UIAnchor and UIStretch scripts.
And no, the container isn't a child of the panel.
Items Window
--- Inner
- Background
(This is the container of the clipped panel
) --- Inner - Glow
(Panel) - Clipped
--- Items
However, when I use an anchor on the panel, I can't seem to scroll my items correctly, very strange behavior! - The scrolling acts naturally back if I disable the Anchor script on the panel, but if I do so, it won't resize correctly when resizing its container...

So I thought, oh well it must be because that the items is a child of the panel, so if I put the items somewhere else, this should solve it... I was wrong, it didn't.
I wanted to make a small video about this, but as I was making it, I ran into other very strange issues as well, for the first time...
Please have a look, as it might give you more things to consider in your next release: reply is very appreciated. Thanks.