My objective is to be notified when UIWidget's dimensions change. I've found UIWidget.onChange which is described as "Notification triggered when the widget's dimensions or position changes". In the code, onChange is raised in UpdateTransform() whose description is "Check to see if the widget has moved relative to the panel that manages it".
As I only want to know when the dimensions change, I'm not interested in being notified when the widget moves relative to the panel, so to eliminate those notifications, I've placed my 'faceCamera' script so that it rotates the panel rather than rotating the widget, thinking that this way, the widget won't move relative to the panel. Unfortunately, whether I rotate the widget underneath the panel, or rotate the panel directly, I still get all the widget onChange notifications of movement.
Am I misunderstanding something here? Shouldn't rotating the panel directly keep the widget from generating all these onChange (aka I moved relative to my panel) notifications? ... or is the "Check to see if the widget has moved relative to the panel that manages it" comment misleading, and any absolute widget movement raises onChange?