People for the last two years have asked for an align / anchor for the grid, and I've seen the replies, that UIGrid has no positioning. And that is true, it doesn't. But the GameObject it is loaded into does. Should I instead AddComponent the UIGrid onto the same GameObject as the UIScrollView? (edit: tried this, it didn't work)
When I run the game normally, it is fine, but when I resize the game window to maximum the grid pops off the Scroll View and all my items are hidden. If then in the scene view I grab the arrow control (W) and drag the grid's GameObject back to the scroll view, I can see my items. Since I have to use W to move the grid, it appears it has alignment.
What is the right solution?
Edit - Maybe found a solution, but now I can't scroll the scrollview...
Added a widget as a child of the Scroll View. Widgets have Anchors.
Then added the grid's GameObject as a child of that. Moved it to the desired position.
Removed the grid.Reposition() I was calling in script and the sv.ResetPosition() I was calling before and after the AddChild instantiates.
Run & Resize, the grid stays anchored in place.