Thank you!
I know created a class inherited from UIDragDropItem that serves its purpose.
On start I create an array of 10 int values which I then fill with random values between 1 and 5. Now I have a script in my scrollView that grabs this array and instantiates icons for every value in the array as a child of the Grid-Object in the scrollview. '1' results in an instance of iconButton1, '2' in an instance of iconButton2 and so on.
The instantiation works fine and the icons are sorted within the grid (each button has a offset of 75px). However, the instances are created with a z-value of 5400 and a uniform scale of 360 each, although the prefab has the position (0,0,0) and the scale (1,1,1). Do you know what goes wrong during the instantiation process?
I now adjusted the values manually after instantiation but I'm very curious to find the reason for this bug.