I'm trying to get a 3D UI setup in NGUI. However, I want to have static 2D UI on this 3D camera as well in the corners to allow me to have a 2D overlay in my 3D camera. I don't really need another 2D UI in the scene (at least I don't think I do). However, I'm basically just trying to figure out how to properly anchor sprites using a 3D UI system.
I have the following scene
--UICamera (perspective 3D camera)
----TopLeftPositionedSprite (Anchored to UICamera top left)
The problem appears to be that if the z depth isn't 0.5 of the camera's clip plane the calculations are off. It seems that the anchor system depends on this by the following code:
Mathf.Lerp(cam.nearClipPlane, cam.farClipPlane, 0.5f)
There seems to be a lot of this in the code for determine World or Viewport points. So I'm curious if we need to position anchors with 3D do we need to make sure that the UIWidgets are in a z-space that is exactly 1/2 of the camera's near/far clipping depth in order to get these elements positioned properly? Is this a known limitation? Wouldn't it make more sense to get the depth of the object by performing a target.position.z - camera.position.z?