I am having trouble setting up a basic ScrollView, like in the NGUI example scene:
- I have created an UIRoot with a ScrollView inside, the ScrollView has the UIScrollView script.
- I have added a Grid in the ScrollView.
- Within the Grid I have added a few sprites with colliders and the UIDragScrollView script attached to them, they have the ScrollView as their reference.
The setup doesn't allow me any dragging whatsoever, I have tried:
- Changing various depth values of the objects involved.
- Toggling all the settings in the drag scripts used.
- Stripping the NGUI example scene, I couldn't find major differences between my setup and the example scene.
- Using objects other than sprites. Just regular boxes with colliders. That gave a new problem because the camera wouldnt render any cubes I placed in the ScrollView.
- Setting up one or two objects in the ScrollView without a Grid involved. This still didn't work.
- I have searched on this issue, these topics offered some tips but didn't help me solve my problem:
http://www.tasharen.com/forum/index.php?topic=7026.0http://www.tasharen.com/forum/index.php?topic=7549.msg35671#msg35671This is how my scene looks like:
I guess it is some small oversight which has eluded me. Can anyone see what the problem could be? Thanks.