I still have the same issu in v3.7.4. Any workaround?
Edit: tried using an invisible widget as the gameobject for the collider, and anchoring it to the label. The widget resizes correctly but the collider still doesn't.
Edit2: I wrote a little piece of script that calls a resize on the collider if it finds a difference, during Update(). Just attach it to the label that has a collider, works as-is.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class UpdateLabelCollider : MonoBehaviour
private Collider _col;
private UILabel _lab;
void OnEnable()
_col= gameObject.GetComponent<Collider>();
_lab= gameObject.GetComponent<UILabel>();
void Update ()
if(_lab.width != _col.bounds.size.x || _lab.height != _col.bounds.size.y)