I am currently trying to make an app which updates content when you drag it downwards. I am using a ScrollView but cannot figure out how to go around making it behave like you see in example Facebook or twitter apps on mobile when you pull down for refreshing content. Currently it works fine when the content is larger than the scrollview, but when it it does not fit I run into problems.
The scrollview do reset itself to have content in the top when dragging down, I tried using UICenterOnChild, but that didnt work since it just fits it the the center of it, and I want the top. Secondly I tried using ResetPosition, but it just snaps right to it, and do not go about it smoothly. I also tried implementing it myself, by lerping the position of the scrollview to move towards 0, and when dragging upwards i set custom movement to vector2.zero, but this was clunky and did not work proberly.
So anyone has a solution to this? I would think it would be a nice feature to have some options like "Keep Content To Origin if fits" and maybe a "Cancel Drag in certain direction if fits".
The attached image shows that the scrollview just "hangs" there and do not pull back up the the content origin (the text says: "pull down to refresh" in danish)