My prefab architecture is like below.
MainMenu (Empty Gameobject) having page script(CMainMenu.cs) which will execute when this prefab comes in memory.
Child Container (empty gameobject)
Sprite (background image) attached a custom unifiied anchor scrip to stretch & anchor using UIRoot.
UIButton 1 - anchored (left top) using custom script using UIRoot.
UIButton 2 - anchored (center)using custom script using UIRoot.
UIButton 3 - anchored (right bottom)using custom script using UIRoot.
Now my page is done.
Now i want from this page to come on screen with tween animation say left to right etc. For that what i did ,when MainMenu prefab instantiated CMainMenu.cs executed . its Start() i added a this.gameObject.AddComponent<TweenPosition>(); on runtime.
provided some tween from to "to" position and added some onFinished event , but before that i just disable my anchor script from Sprite (background image) similarly from button also and after the animation i just enabled it. Other wise tween animation wont happen.
Now page animation is done but with some dirty jerk. moment i remove my unified anchor script it resized , got animation because of tween and at the end again comes to original size because i enabled the anchor script. Which is not looking very smooth.
Can't we tween the base container MainMenu without affecting any of the child element having unified anchor or custom anchor?
i am creating a generic tool where we specify the page transition with animation type , it will take care of every thing else.
I have created to custom script for Unified Anchoring & Custom Anchor , which uses the UiRoot (Fixed to 720) reference at runtime , according to that my background got stretched , button got anchored etc.