Hum... I'm trying to send a broadcast from one class, and have a RFC method in another class, but that does not seem to work.
Currently, in my class GamesUI, I do:
tno.BroadcastToLAN(TNManager.listeningPort, "OnGameCreated", gameData);
(by the way, do I really need to use tno just to send a broadcast? Because of that my class do not derive from Monobehavior but from TNBehavior, and I have to attach a TNObject to the GameObject in the scene).
And in a CreatedGamesUI class, I have:
void OnGameCreated(GameData gameData)
But I have the error message:
Unable to execute function 'OnGameCreated'. Did you forget an [RFC] prefix, perhaps?
GameObject: "UI Root/Camera/Home/2-PickGame"