I'm trying to setup a wrapping scrollable level select screen that is a combination of 3d elements (the room the player is standing in) and 2d elements (the contents of the in-game computer screen which can be swiped & tapped to select a level).
Current status:
I have a 3d camera properly setup showing the right view. I have a UI Root and UICamera setup, which contains a Scroll View & Grid (which has a UIWrapContent attached to it). The UICamera is not actually used to render anything at all, but I wasn't sure if I could get rid of it since I think it needs the UICamera Script to make all of the rest of the NGUI stuff function properly.
Everything works great with the perfect screen size & resolution (
preview here). But once the resolution changes, I have two problems:
1) If the resolution gets small, the ScrollView size (anchored to UI Root) shrinks too much (
preview here, note the bad black borders).
2) If the resolution gets big, the Sprites in the grid start overlapping (I'm guessing because of fixed grid/UIWrapContent width?), which you can see
Any suggestions? Am I approaching this completely wrong?