Author Topic: Latest Version: 2018.3 (December 13, 2018)  (Read 459216 times)


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Re: Latest Version: 3.0.5
« Reply #45 on: November 19, 2013, 06:06:03 PM »
3.1.0 (previously 3.0.6)
- NEW: NGUI now has new written documentation.
- NEW: NGUI now has an abundance of context-sensitive help. Just right click on an NGUI component and choose the Help option.
- NEW: NGUI now has robust context menus letting you add, create and modify widgets by right-clicking on stuff in the Scene View.
- NEW: Added snapping support for widget placement. Edge selection restricted to siblings and parent.
- NEW: You can now find an assortment of ready-made controls ready to be drag & dropped into your scenes (search for "Control").
- NEW: You can now drag & drop GUI prefabs from your Project Folder right into the Scene View. No need to create the UI beforehand.
- NEW: You can now copy/paste label styles by right-clicking the UILabel script in Inspector.
- NEW: Redesigned the draggable panel class a bit, and renamed it to UIScrollView. UIDragPanelContents is now UIDragScrollView.
- NEW: Labels can now have gradients.
- NEW: Clipped panels now have handles you can drag around instead of adjusting clipping in inspector.
- NEW: Added a new widget type capable of drawing Unity 4.3 sprites.
- NEW: Added UIToggle.GetActiveToggle.
- NEW: You can now specify a material on dynamic font-using UILabels.
- NEW: You can now specify character spacing on labels, and it works with both bitmap and dynamic fonts.
- NEW: Labels set to maintain their crispness will now take UIRoot's size into account, resulting in crisp labels with fixed size UIs.
- NEW: Added a simple script that makes it possible to center a scrollable panel on a child when clicked on.
- NEW: Redesigned the scroll bar and the slider components. They now also derive from a new common class (Progress Bar).
- NEW: UIButtonKeyBinding has been replaced with UIKeyBinding and its functionality has been enhanced.
- FIX: Panels will now add rigidbodies to themselves since Unity 4.3 mentions it should improve performance.
- FIX: UIScrollView's movement restriction now makes sense (no more weird 'scale')
- FIX: Draggable panels should no longer move on Play.
- FIX: Improved performance by reducing GC allocations and mesh assignments.
- FIX: Typewriter and text list scripts can now be used with dynamic fonts.
- FIX: Reference atlas references should no longer get broken when modifying sprites.
- FIX: Popup list now offers a way to change the font's size even for fixed size fonts.
- FIX: Popup list was not enveloping the content correctly.
- FIX: Atlas and font selector will now show all existing assets, not just recently used ones.
- FIX: Atlas maker should no longer throw an exception when trying to edit old atlases (SciFi etc).
- FIX: Enabling and disabling widgets will no longer cause the draw call list to be rebuilt unless it's necessary.
- FIX: Improving the process of NGUI remembering the last used values.
- FIX: Drag handles will now hide if there is not enough space to draw them.
- FIX: Anchors and stretch scripts set to "run only once" will still respond to screen size changes.
- FIX: Switching panel to clipped mode then back should refresh the shader correctly.
- FIX: Moving widgets around no longer causes their buffers to get rebuilt. Just re-transformed.
- FIX: Added extra code to ensure that draw calls won't get orphaned.
- FIX: Panel alpha is now cumulative (parents affect children).
- FIX: Got rid of old double-buffering code that was causing issues.
- FIX: More Win8 tweaks.
- DEL: UIPopupList no longer has a 'textLabel' option. Instead use label's SetCurrentSelection for OnValueChanged.
- DEL: UIGrid and UITable no longer have 'repositionNow' member variable. Right-click it to execute it instead.

3.0.6 f2
- FIX: Flickering issue on mobile devices.

3.0.6 f3
- FIX: Context menu on OSX.

3.0.6 f4
- FIX: Widgets inserting themselves into the panel's list were sometimes not using the right panel.

3.0.6 f5
- NEW: Added the ability to extract sprites from the atlas.
- NEW: You can edit and delete sprites within the sprite selector window via right-click.
- NEW: Added a progress bar to the atlas maker when it's updating the atlas.
- FIX: Sprite selection is now cohesive and updates the atlas maker, sprite selector, and inspector.
- FIX: Widget depth adjustment should now work correctly without having to hit Play.
- FIX: Sprite selection window should now handle large lists of sprites better.
- FIX: Widgets adding themselves to the list should no longer do so twice.

3.0.6 f6
- NEW: Reworked the drag & drop scripts to be more robust and moved them into the Core.
- NEW: Re-created the drag & drop example with a pair of smoothly animated scroll views.
- NEW: Added a 'nextSprite' field to UI2DSprite to make it possible to animate sprites using unity animation system.
- NEW: Created a separate Draw Call Tool window instead of displaying draw calls on the panels.
- FIX: Re-added Mesh.RecalculateBounds since it causes rare issues. Made it optional instead.
- FIX: UI2DSprites and UITextures will remove themselves from panels correctly.
- FIX: Widget container will no longer show handles if they are hidden.

3.0.6 f7
- NEW: Slider thumb feature is now on the progress bar (base class), letting scroll bars use this feature as well.
- FIX: Made shader default color be fully transparent so that if no texture gets specified, nothing will be drawn.
- FIX: Progress bars, sliders and scroll bars can all now be resized at run-time.
- FIX: OnHover messages should once again only be sent once.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 01:03:22 PM by ArenMook »


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Re: Latest Version: 3.0.6 f7
« Reply #46 on: December 06, 2013, 03:38:48 AM »
3.2.0 (previously 3.0.7 rc1 & 2)
- NEW: Created a new layout system. All widgets and panels can now anchor to each other, the screen, and even 3D game objects.
- NEW: You can now create resizable scroll views and anchor them to UI elements.
- NEW: Re-created the Anchor Example to use the new anchoring system.
- NEW: Updated all controls to use the new anchoring system.
- NEW: You can now specify an explicit Render Queue on each panel.
- NEW: Improved the Text List's functionality, adding support for touch interaction and having a scroll bar.
- NEW: Recreated the Chat Window example -- it now features a resizable chat window.
- NEW: Recreated the Drag & Drop example, adding two scroll views resized with screen height, and the ability to move items from one to the other.
- NEW: Holding CTRL will now show the dimensions of the selected widget in the scene view.
- NEW: Resizing the widget now automatically displays width and height guides in the scene view.
- NEW: Selected anchored widgets and panels now show the calculated distance in the scene view.
- NEW: Widget alpha is now fully cumulative (parents affect children).
- NEW: UIDragObject script now ensures that the dragged object remains pixel-perfect.
- NEW: UIDragObject script now can restrict the widget from being dragged off-screen.
- NEW: Added a script that makes it possible to resize a widget by dragging on its corner or side.
- NEW: UICamera.currentScheme tells you the current control scheme -- mouse, touch, or controller.
- NEW: Button scripts have been modified to use the new OnDragOver/Out events
- NEW: Added an option to the widget anchor to hide itself if it's off-screen.
- NEW: Drag Object script now lets you specify an explicit bounds rectangle and has an improved inspector.
- NEW: Added a button to UIButtonColor that can automatically replace it with a UIButton.
- NEW: Added the ability to copy/paste all values of the sprites and labels via right-click on the component.
- NEW: Added a "next page threshold" value to UICenterOnChild for when you want to swipe to move to the next page.
- NEW: If the mouse events are off and touch events are on, NGUI will now fake touches using the mouse in the editor.
- FIX: Changing panel depth in inspector will now reflect the change correctly.
- FIX: Atlas/font selection dialog will now make searching of the entire project optional.
- FIX: UICamera events will once again work independently of time scale.
- FIX: Fixed the glitch that was causing widgets to jump into the middle of nowhere sometimes when resizing them.
- FIX: UIDragScrollView will no longer try to find the scroll view if you set it manually.
- FIX: Enabling and disabling textures and Unity 2D sprites will now again set the correct texture.
- FIX: Adjusting depths via shortcut keys should now work consistently.
- FIX: Draw call viewer will now display the correct triangle count.
- FIX: NGUITools.SetActive will now automatically call CreatePanel on widgets, ensuring that there is no frame delay (read: blinking).
- FIX: UICamera selected object change should now work multiple times per frame.
- FIX: Added a new clause to panel depth comparison that uses panel instance IDs if the panel depth matches (to avoid depth collisions).
- FIX: Max line count on labels should now work again.
- FIX: Fixed the Drag Objects script on mobile devices. It was not applying momentum properly.
- DEL: OnHover is no longer sent via selection changes. Listen to OnSelect and check (UICamera.currentScheme == ControlScheme.Controller).
- DEL: "PMA Shader" option is now going to be permanently hidden once the atlas has been created.
- DEL: Eliminated the half-pixel offset setting from anchors.
- DEL: Removed anchor and stretch scripts from the menus.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 01:03:48 PM by ArenMook »


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Re: Latest Version: 3.0.6 f7 (Standard), 3.0.7 rc2 (Professional)
« Reply #47 on: December 07, 2013, 03:42:08 AM »
Quick overview video is now available as well.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 01:04:08 PM by ArenMook »


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Re: Latest Version: 3.0.7 f1
« Reply #48 on: December 09, 2013, 01:16:41 PM »
3.2.1 (previously 3.0.7 f1) is out. The anchoring system has been improved further, letting you freely move, rotate and scale anchored components and simplifying the overall presentation.

3.2.1 (previously 3.0.7 f1)
- NEW: Further improved the layout system's presentation, making it less daunting.
- NEW: Enabling anchoring will automatically anchor to the first parent by default.
- NEW: It's now possible to automatically anchor to the mid-points (sides, center).
- NEW: Made it possible to move and scale anchored widgets.
- FIX: Rotating a widget should no longer hide its side handles.
- FIX: Mobile keyboard will now have the multi-line option.
- FIX: Re-added support for packed fonts.

Video: NGUI 3.0.7 Tutorial (Beginner to Advanced)
Video: 3.0.7 f1 Layout System (final)
« Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 01:04:46 PM by ArenMook »


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Re: Latest Version: 3.0.7 f2
« Reply #49 on: December 12, 2013, 07:32:59 AM »
3.2.2 (previously 3.0.7 f2)
- NEW: You can now right-click on tweens to set the 'from' and 'to' values using the current.
- FIX: Tweens no longer reset the object to its default value when first added (current value is now used instead).
- FIX: Non-clipped panels will no longer use their position when calculating dimensions for anchors.
- FIX: Panels can now use advanced anchors properly (partial anchoring).
- FIX: Anchoring to a transform should no longer reposition the widgets and panels.
- FIX: Cleanup of warnings that don't show up on the Windows version of Unity.
- FIX: Button should now keep the highlighted state correctly when using controller input.
- FIX: Unity has a bug related to input on BB10, apparently (backspace).
« Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 01:04:57 PM by ArenMook »


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Re: Latest Version: 3.0.7 f2
« Reply #50 on: December 13, 2013, 10:32:39 AM »
3.2.3 (previously 3.0.7 f3)
- NEW: Added an option for anchors to be offset by the panel's position.
- NEW: Made it possible to anchor directly to a Camera, without having to use panels.
- NEW: Made "Keep crisp" option always show up for dynamic fonts.
- FIX: Anchoring to a 3D object at edit time will no longer move the widget's initial position.
- FIX: Account for objects being behind the camera (and thus not visible) when anchoring to 3D game objects.
- FIX: Invisible widgets with colliders will now auto-resize them correctly.
- FIX: Improved how baseline is calculated (with a hack!), making fonts be positioned better.
- FIX: Filled sprites should now ignore the padding.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 01:02:33 PM by ArenMook »


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Re: Latest Version: 3.0.8
« Reply #51 on: December 27, 2013, 10:11:36 PM »
3.3.0 (previously 3.0.8)
- NEW: Input field has been redesigned and now has caret, multi-line selection, click-move, drag select, arrow key navigation, and full copy/paste.
- NEW: Widgets now have a new "aspect ratio" field, in case you want them to keep a specific aspect ratio.
- NEW: Community contribution (Nicki): Sliced & Tiled sprite via the Advanced sprite type setting.
- NEW: All panels now manage their own draw calls rather than working with one giant list, improving performance.
- NEW: Widgets no longer have a global list, and are always managed per-panel.
- NEW: Enabling/disabling widgets no longer affects other panels.
- NEW: Optimization pass. Significantly reduced the time spent in UIPanel.LateUpdate.
- NEW: Added a delegate to the widget class that gets called when the widget's dimensions or position changes.
- FIX: Center-aligned odd width multi-line labels will now always have pixel-perfect lines.
- FIX: Draw calls were not added correctly to the list of active draw calls.
- FIX: Scroll wheel scrolling is now affected by the transform's rotation properly.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 01:02:06 PM by ArenMook »


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Re: Latest Version: 3.0.8 f2
« Reply #52 on: December 31, 2013, 08:34:57 AM »
3.3.2 (previously 3.0.8 f3)
- FIX: Dynamic fonts should now be positioned better.
- FIX: Fixing how fonts behave with a pixel size of non-1.
- FIX: Sliders should no longer shrink the foreground sliced sprite beyond its minimum dimensions.
- FIX: Couple of fixes related to how anchors work, making them work better with prefabs.
- FIX: Grid and table scripts were updating the scroll views even though they shouldn't have been.
- FIX: Removed the UIRect requirement from TweenAlpha.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 01:01:31 PM by ArenMook »


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Re: Latest Version: 3.0.8 f4
« Reply #53 on: January 03, 2014, 06:25:53 AM »
3.3.3 (previously 3.0.8 f4)
- NEW: Added a script that can animate Unity 2D sprite (UI2DSpriteAnimation).
- FIX: Tweaks to how PlayAnimation works in regards to dragging over/out.
- FIX: Labels will always be created with even dimensions.
- FIX: More text printing related tweaks.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 01:01:19 PM by ArenMook »


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Re: Latest Version: 3.0.8 f4
« Reply #54 on: January 05, 2014, 05:34:14 PM »
3.3.4 (previously 3.0.8 f5)
- NEW: Added a flag to UIDragDropItem that lets you drag a clone of the object rather than the object itself.
- FIX: Labels limited by number of lines with resizable height were not wrapped properly.
- FIX: Added UITable's "keep within panel" checkbox to the UIGrid as well.
- FIX: UIButtonKeys will now respect disabled objects.
- FIX: UIPlayAnimation will now respect UIButton's "Drag Over" state if UIButton is present.
- FIX: UIKeyBinding will now set the UICamera.currentTouch.current properly.
- FIX: UIWidget.CreatePanel will now also invalidate the parent reference.
- FIX: More changes related to how dynamic text is drawn...

3.3.5 (previously 3.0.8 f6)
- FIX: Labels using atlassed fonts will again correctly use the pixel size setting.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 01:01:06 PM by ArenMook »


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Re: Latest Version: 3.0.8 f6
« Reply #55 on: January 07, 2014, 09:42:09 AM »
3.3.6 (previously 3.0.8 f7)
- FIX: UIPanel's "explicit" render queue option should now work correctly.
- FIX: UITweener.Play should behave better with duration of 0.
- FIX: NGUITools.FindCamera will prioritize the Main Camera over others (fix for Unity Water).
- FIX: Null exception fix in UIKeyBinding.

NOTE: Professional repository has moved to If you're a professional user, please provide me with your username for access. I will keep updating the bitbucket repository for a while, but github is now the primary one.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 01:00:19 PM by ArenMook »


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Re: Latest Version: 3.0.8 f7
« Reply #56 on: January 17, 2014, 11:53:58 PM »
3.4.0 (previously 3.0.9 f1)
- NEW: Community contribution: bold, italic, underline, strike-through and subscript support for text (Rudy Pangestu).
- NEW: You can now use TweenPosition on anchored widgets and panels.
- NEW: You can now nudge anchored widgets, panels and containers (arrow keys).
- NEW: It's now possible to resize and move anchored panels and widgets in the scene view.
- FIX: You can now re-activate a tween in its OnFinished callback and set a new OnFinished callback without having it execute immediately.
- FIX: Force-replace the GUI/Text shader with Unlit/Text inside UIDrawCall, seeing as GUI/Text was still used for dynamic text (ugh!)
- FIX: Create Scroll view option from the NGUI menu should now correctly add the UIScrollView script.
- FIX: Orange outline showing scroll view content should now update while dragging content around at edit time.
- FIX: Widget and panel undo should now work properly even when it's anchored.
- FIX: Fix for the issue with panels starting with alpha of 0.
- FIX: Dragging using the slider's thumb should now reach 0 and 1 properly.
- FIX: UIPlaySound set to trigger on hover will no longer play after the button was clicked.
- FIX: Clicking a scroll view set to center on children should no longer conflict with Center On Child logic.
- FIX: Widget aspect ratio will now automatically update when dragging the widget's dimensions even when it's not used.
- FIX: Added a few extra null checks to avoid edge case issues such as destroying draw calls on quit.
- FIX: Component selector (atlas / font selection) now has a scroll bar.
- FIX: FindInParents should now work as expected in Unity 4.3 (Unity regression bug work-around).
- FIX: 'Delete' key is now able to delete the last character correctly.
- FIX: Some extra checks to eliminate possible NaN issues.
- FIX: Gradient on labels should now look correct with fixed size UIRoot.
- FIX: Draw calls from non-automatic Render Q panels will now be more careful with their Z position.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 12:59:55 PM by ArenMook »


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Re: Latest Version: 3.0.9 f1
« Reply #57 on: January 20, 2014, 01:16:35 AM »
3.4.1 (previously 3.0.9 f2)
- FIX: UITweener will again keep persistent OnFinished delegates.
- FIX: Widgets that are invisible will disable their box collider as needed.
- FIX: Minor tweak related to widget alpha checks.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 12:59:12 PM by ArenMook »


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Re: Latest Version: 3.0.9 f2
« Reply #58 on: January 21, 2014, 04:41:09 AM »
3.4.2 (previously 3.0.9 f3)
- FIX: Work-around for a bug in Unity that was causing prefabs to be marked as edited (version control).
- FIX: Optimized how UIInput works on mobiles, and setting UIInput.value will now force it through validation.
- FIX: UICamera's raycast now always considers cumulative alpha and ignores invisible objects.
- FIX: "Constrain but don't clip" option will no longer cause widgets to get culled.
- FIX: UILocalize should now work properly when attached to UIInput's label.
- FIX: UITextList will no longer die IRL if not even a single line can fit.
- FIX: Text List should now use Y-padding properly for scrolling.
- FIX: Scroll bar should no longer cause NaNs in some situations.
- FIX: Packed fonts fix.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 12:58:50 PM by ArenMook »


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Re: Latest Version: 3.0.9 f3
« Reply #59 on: January 22, 2014, 11:57:42 AM »
3.4.3 (previously 3.0.9 f4)
- NEW: Added UIWidget.hitCheck delegate you can set for custom hit detection (circular sprites, alpha checks, etc).
- FIX: Caret and selection will now work properly even with one long word that doesn't fit.
- FIX: UITable will now always update the scroll view's scroll bars.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 12:58:36 PM by ArenMook »