- NOTE: NGUI now requires Unity 4.3.4 or higher!
- NEW: Added a new tool --
Prefab Toolbar. It lets you drop prefabs onto it for easy preview.
- NEW: Unity2D Sprite now has all the same options as an NGUI sprite (sliced, filled, tiled, etc).
- NEW: UITexture now has all the same options as an NGUI sprite.
- NEW: You can now choose components as parameters for functions via inspector.
- NEW: Added support for full RGBA32 color encoding in text (RrGgBbAa).
- NEW: UISpriteAnimation example script now has pixel snap setting as optional.
- NEW: Extended the Typewriter Effect script with additional functionality.
- FIX: In some cases changing sprites on a prefab wouldn't "take".
- FIX: WP8/WSA fixes, courtesy of LoneCoder from the forums.
- FIX: Pixel-snap a tiled sprite should no longer revert it to single sprite's dimensions.
- FIX: Nested scroll views were not culling widgets properly in some cases when scrolled.
- FIX: Calculating widget dimensions will now ignore widgets in clipped panels.