thanx for replying
fortunately just before reading you post , i resolve how to do it ,
scrollView.ResetPosition(); reset scroll to "0",
which i dont want ,every time i change device rotation and list resets to "0"
i used scrollView.RestrictWithinBounds(true); it worked perfectly for me, but it change scrollView.transform.localPosition.x , some time ,
so i have to reset "x" to zero
i was trying to use textMeshPro With NGUi that's why Mesh Filters where there
yes there is problem some time you have to click and then items are being created and arranged i think it is because of onGeometryUpdated
there is no way to catch resize from panel , so i have to use onGeometryUpdated
i always avoid, to write code in update , if there are 10 panel in my scene means in every update same code is being run?
can you update NGUI so we can listen these types of events easily.