Author Topic: UIAncor and UIStrech improvment  (Read 1814 times)


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UIAncor and UIStrech improvment
« on: October 25, 2012, 07:26:24 AM »
I have a need idea for a handy function for UIAncor and UIStrech:

It would be need to have a function to calculate  the procedural values like the position(UIAncor) or the size(UIStrech) of the current transform settings.
That would massively improve the working speed of UIAncor and UIStrech, so i do not have to test or calculate the position / size for every element myself.

I found out shortly about this funtion:
  1. [ContextMenu ("Name of the Context menu entry")]
  2. void FuntionToCall()
  3. {
  5. }
This generates a Context menu at the componten, so that the function can get call easy in the editor without a need for a custom inspector.

Greetings Malzbier

PS: Congratulations for your new job at unity ArenMook :)
« Last Edit: October 25, 2012, 08:01:48 AM by Malzbier »