Author Topic: [Solved] Multi atlases on Mobile app  (Read 2053 times)


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[Solved] Multi atlases on Mobile app
« on: May 07, 2013, 11:14:34 AM »
I tried to use the Search tool but I dind't find anything that could help me, so I'm asking it with a new topic..

I'm working on a mobile project on wich I've to use more than one atlas. I've divided the main atlas (with gui and fonts) and the other ones (mainly with character sprites and effects). I know i can't use the "Depth" tool on sliced sprites if I use more atlases togheter, so I decided to simply use world coord as depth (Z). I tought that the z-axis depth would "overwrite" the Ngui Depth, and working with it I could have more "layers" just putting something back or in front of something else. So I worked like this, and everything was going great unitl...I exported for Android. In the mobile version seems that it doesn't see the layers and the z-depth, confusing all the orders...

Why on Editor everything works fine but in mobile version everything got wrong? :/

Sorry for my english, and thank you in advice for your help! =)
« Last Edit: May 07, 2013, 11:28:27 AM by Fbary »


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Re: Multi atlases on Mobile app
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2013, 11:28:11 AM »
I solved. It was my fault on initalizing a prefab (wich was forced to Z=0).
For everyone who want, or have to, work like this I can say that it works perfectly. Obviusly if possibile it's better to use a unique atlas =P

ps: I don't understand yet why on Editor everything wag going well.. :/