Author Topic: HUD Crysis style  (Read 2830 times)


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HUD Crysis style
« on: November 15, 2013, 03:45:13 AM »
Hi guys  ;D

I'm approaching to make the super amazing HUD for my FPS game.
I like CRYSIS (see the image below) and would use the same style, about this I have a couple of questions:
1. For now I've used the 3D camera to make the "oblique" effect on left and right panels It's correct, or should I use the 2d camera ?
2. I've positioned 2 panels (one on bottom left with mini-map and one on bottom-right with the weapons stats) but after a couple of tests I've discovered that If I change the aspect ratio  (4:3, 16:9, 16:10) the panels are fixed in the same position and are not anchored at the screen sides... Can I use the anchors with 3D camera and if yes how?
3. My hud should be attached to FPS controller and move with it? Or can I leave the HUD in static mode without moving in an other place ?
4. Can I use a shader to make the hud luminescent like a display?
5. Do exist a FPS Hud example made with NGUI at around the web?

Excuse me for my bad English  :o
Thank you

crysis hud:


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Re: HUD Crysis style
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2013, 05:02:00 AM »
Yes, you should use anchors. Just using the center one is not enough. You need multiple ones -- one for bottom left, one for bottom right, etc.

3. You should leave your UI camera stationary at all times.

4. Sure, specified on your atlas.

5. Space Game Starter Kit had a basic UI like that even before NGUI was created. I have a bottom-anchored element there (health bar), a bottom-left anchored element (speed indicator), and others (target indicators).