Hi guys

I'm approaching to make the super amazing HUD for my FPS game.
I like CRYSIS (see the image below) and would use the same style, about this I have a couple of questions:
1. For now I've used the 3D camera to make the "oblique" effect on left and right panels It's correct, or should I use the 2d camera ?
2. I've positioned 2 panels (one on bottom left with mini-map and one on bottom-right with the weapons stats) but after a couple of tests I've discovered that If I change the aspect ratio (4:3, 16:9, 16:10) the panels are fixed in the same position and are not anchored at the screen sides... Can I use the anchors with 3D camera and if yes how?
3. My hud should be attached to FPS controller and move with it? Or can I leave the HUD in static mode without moving in an other place ?
4. Can I use a shader to make the hud luminescent like a display?
5. Do exist a FPS Hud example made with NGUI at around the web?
Excuse me for my bad English

Thank you
crysis hud: