The following code that was added in 3.0.9 f2 in UIPanel.cs is causing weird clipping issues for me on some of my UIs. The panel has it's clipping set to None, but objects are still getting clipped.
bool vis = forceVisible || (w.CalculateCumulativeAlpha(frame) > 0.001f && IsVisible(w));
Everything was working fine up to and including 3.0.9 f1, so I reverted the above code to the code below, and the problem was solved:
bool vis = forceVisible ||
(mClipping == UIDrawCall.Clipping.None && !w.hideIfOffScreen) ||
(w.CalculateCumulativeAlpha(frame) > 0.001f && IsVisible(w));
Is this a NGUI bug or is something not set up properly in my scene?