I'm running into a problem with using UICenterOnChild, the script is causing the view to center on objects that are not in the center of the viewing area.
More details:
I've got 4 sprites in a grid (which is itself a child of a UIPanel with a UIScrollView attached) sorted and arranged from left to right, and sprites 1-3 take up the entire view-able space (with 1 on the left, 2 in the center, and 3 on the right). The sizing and arrangement of each element and the grid is handled by script in Awake(), and on its own works just fine. However, when trying to use UICenterOnChild, the script tries to focus the view seemingly half way between sprites 3 and 4, and then clicking on any sprite makes the view jump back to 2 (which is where it normally is without the script) after which everything works fine.
I've tried changing the UICenterOnChild script, enabling and disabling from different places in scripts, and a few other things but nothing changes this behavior. Does anyone know or have an idea as to what is going on?
As a work around, I just turned the Spring Panel power down to 0 in Awake() and reset its value in Start (). Not really a solution but it prevents the problem from happening.