Nope, this isn't router-related. Your local IP can't be determined, which is highly unusual. Have a look inside TNTools.localAddresses property. There are two #if sections inside -- first one for "not web player", second one "not iphone". Where does it fail for you? Thing is, even when it fails, it should still fall back to
if (mAddresses.size == 0) mAddresses.Add(IPAddress.Loopback);
...meaning there should always be at least one address. How come that doesn't happen in your case? Do you get the same result in Unity? You can use this simple script to test, by attaching it to any game object:
using UnityEngine;
using TNet;
using System.Threading;
public class ShowIP : MonoBehaviour
string text = "";
Thread mThread;
void Start ()
text = "LAN: " + Tools.localAddress;
= new Thread
); mThread.Start();
void OnDestroy () { if (mThread != null) mThread.Abort(); }
void ResolveWAN () { text += "\nWAN: " + Tools.externalAddress; mThread = null; }
void OnGUI () { GUILayout.Label(text); }