I've just encountered something unusual and would like to get your thoughts on way forward.
I've got buttons on my UI. I like to keep them relatively small - 20 -25 pixels square or so. They have 2D BoxColliders on them which are resized automatically depending on the widget's size. WHen I recently pushed MaximizeOnPlay to demo the UI, I found I could no longer detect these small buttons. It turns out the collider posted a warning in the collider inspector saying the physics engine had failed to validate it because it was too small. My screen height was 1040 (1200 less UnityEditor menu bars, etc.) and UIRoot's scale (flexible style as I'm on Windows and Mac platforms) was 0.00192307 which all makes sense.
After some experimentation, it seems that these colliders, when UIRoot reduces its scale to the value above, need to be a minimum of about 27-28 pixels in both x and y in order to validate.
Now of course I can simply increase the minimum size of all my sprites that contain colliders, but that seems like a temporary hack. Before I go down this route, I'd like to know your thinking on how this might be dealt with more systematically, assuming of course that you have encountered it before. I have found nothing in the forums to date on this, except acknowledgement in Unity that colliders can be too small and not validate.