I can connect but it seems the connection is severed immediately.
I placed a Debug.Log in TcpProtocol::OnConnect and checked wireshark. The handshake completes w/ the ack packet, then the TNet connection takes place:
0000 0c 00 00 00 03 0c 00 00 00 05 47 75 65 73 74 00 ..........Guest.
Which your server responds to with:
0000 05 00 00 00 09 00 00 00 00 .........
Then severs the connection with FIN/ACK.
This could be because of a version mismatch. My Player.version is 12. Yours is probably different, so when you receive my Packet.RequestID the server closes the connection.
Packet ID 9 is RequestSetPlayerLimit for me though, dunno what's up with that.
Maybe the TNet console will provide more information.
edit: if you do post the contents of the console, please redact my IP